Mo-Unit blue Controler (basic model er udgået)
MEGET POPULÆR blandt selvbyggere/ombyggere/renoveringsprojekter.
Gør el-arbejde meget nemmere og til at finde ud af for selv "almindelige" motorcyklister med lidt fingernemhed.
De enkelte el-dele har deres egen tilslutning og gør derved montering nem og overskuelig, også en fordel hvis der skulle
være fejl "på linjen" da dette kun vil påvirke det enkelte sted og ikke resten af "systemet."
Bluetooth så den kan tilsluttes en APP du har downloaded på din mobil.
Keyless Go
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Encrypted connection via Bluetooth® LE (Low Energy) for manipulation protection and lower smartphone and m.unit blue energy usage
Keyless Go (the on-board electrical system is switched on when you approach the motorbike with your smartphone)
„Alarm events are sent via Bluetooth® to the App (with date, time, vehicle on the oor etc.) „ Alarm system mode and sensitivity can be adjusted
„The on board voltage can be monitored in the App
„Diagnostics on all inputs and outputs; current, voltage and device temperature measurement
„Real-time audio fault messages issued via the helmet headset.
„Outputs can be switched manually via smartphone (except for starter)
„Firmware updates provided anywhere via smartphone and App without removal „ Setup menu can be con gured anywhere via smartphone and App without removal „ Speedometer input for comparing the vehicle mileage with m.ride can be used for
vehicle management with automatic alerts for maintenance tasks, the condition of the tires, chain, brake pads, oil, operating uids, spark plugs etc.
„Logbook for recording journeys and displaying the vehicle status, alarm events and maintenance tasks
„Parking position display and Ping! for help locating the vehicle
„LIN bus connection for connecting to compatible motogadget products at a later date
Note: The m.ride App is now available for Android (from version 6.0) and for iOS (from (from iPhone 5) shortly thereafter.
The modern Bluetooth® LE is used to couple the m.unit blue with the smartphone.
This requires certain requirements for the smartphone’s hardware.
For the compatibility please check
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